Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another semester down.. So bring on the summer!

 Well Scott is SO excited to have finished yet another semester. This time It's a big deal, because he finally finished all the math that he needs for his degree:) (I love when the semester ends cause it means I get my husband back for a little bit).
 Scott always told himself that after he killed himself doing math every semester that when he finished he was going to take the next semester off so that he can relax and celebrate. I'm super excited because he's taking the summer semester off which means I get my husband all summer long to do things with. I am So proud of him and all that he's accomplished!
 This summer will be a good one to take off because it seems like we have a lot going on.. in June my Hawaii family is coming to visit for a few weeks, so we're going to Vegas with them for a couple days and then back to Utah for some camping and hiking and boating and some much needed family time. Also in June my brother from another mother comes home from his mission and we have a lot of catching up to do. In July Scott's brother Dustin comes home from Afghanistan for good, we can't wait to have him back safe and sound.
 We have a lot of out door activities to do this summer and I'm so excited to spend it with my lover.
 I'm also hoping to plan a family camp out with the whole Carlson (my moms family) side of the family, it used to happen every year since I could remember, us cousins looked forward to it every year. We would pitch a big tent so that all the cousins could sleep in the same tent and stay up all night laughing and playing, we would braid each others hair in the tiny braids. My aunt Angie always had the BEST junk food bin! Our families grew bigger and the tradition slowly went away, not this year because I'm bringing it back!

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