Monday, June 27, 2011

What a crazy fun couple of weeks!

So far this summer has not disappointed! Scott and I have been having SO much being able to spend so much time together.

The beginning of June my Hawaii family came to visit for a few weeks, what a blast!!! I loved being able to chat with both of my sisters at the same time in the same room. I have seriously missed having my whole family together so I was with them as much as I could. We had way too much fun doing SO many things that it would take up this whole blog if I wrote it all down, just know it was fun!! I miss them already but can't wait to see them in 6 months for Christmas in HAWAII!!!!!

 On June15th my brother from another mother Michael Dean came home from his mission in Carlsbad California, I have missed him dearly and I am SO happy that he's back! He has grown up So much spiritually but he still acts like the same little brother to me. We've had a lot of fun spending time together and catching up.

 I had to trade my wedding ring this month too :( I was SO sad to see it go, but we we're having too many problems with my little diamonds falling out. We got to keep my big original diamond though and put it in my new band, which I LOVE!!! It was really bittersweet because it was very hard to let go of my first ring but on the other hand we had to let it go or we we're going to keep having problems with it. I'm just glad I have a piece of that ring in my new one so that I never forget that one.

The Stephens family is getting really excited because Dustin comes home for good this month. We can't wait to have him back, and Scott and I can't wait to have the third amigo back!! We have missed having him home and can't wait to have him home!
The Stephens are also excited because Scott's sister and her husband Oliver are having a baby boy in November, I can't wait to have another nephew.We are so so excited for them and the new edition to their cute family.